Thursday, August 03, 2006


I got scolded last night for not blogging enough.... Sorry Lexi!
It's not that I don't wanto blog, its 2 things:

1) I only have internet at work.... so I have to do it here.
And I've been away on study leave and when I'm here I'm really busy...blah blah blah (excuses).

2) My life is really boring at the moment.
If I were to tell what I did at work for 8 hours - it would bore you (besides it being secret!).
If I told you that after that I went home and studied for a while - it would bore you.
If I told what I studied - you'd be so bored, you'd gnaw at wrists just enough to slowly bleed to death - just to get some excitement.

So I won't! (Tell you about it I mean)

So for my return - The Dewey Color System says about me:

You're a Pioneer You think about why people do what they do. By understanding the motivation of others, you seek to create a better world. Changing the world around you through personal achievements is your everyday challenge.

The passionate you generates creative ideas. You are an imaginative dreamer. Your preoccupation with the future gives you the mental discipline to stay on track and direct others to do the same.

Hmm - I don't know if I agree.
Can they really say all this because I just REALLY like the color blue?

i'm sorry i haven't blogged in awhile either :p
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