Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Iterating Irritations

Ok, We all hate certain things…
Cruelty to animals, Child-Abuse, Terrorism, George Bush…
I’m not talking about that. I’m talking things that bug me personally so much, it makes me want to scream and curse and throw all me toys out of the cot:

1) Stupid and Extremely bad adverts on TV/Radio.
You know what ads I’m thinking about…
The ads that make you change the Radio-station or TV-channel.
The ads you can’t believe that someone thought up and went :
”Geez! This will be a GREAT idea for an ad!”

The ads you can’t believe that someone else heard of the idea and thought :
“Geez! That’s a great idea for an ad! Let me pay you lots and lots of
money for coming up with the idea and lots and lots of more money to
actually make the ad!”

I’m talking Harpic Toilet Cleaner here!

2) Stupid and extremely bad drivers on the road
Ok, I confess – I’m not the world’s best driver. Hell, I’m probably not even in
the top 50%. But some people….
And forget drivers talking on the cellphone, while eating a Quarter-Pounder-With-Cheese,
while driving on the N1 at 135 k’s an hour. (I saw this for real – I kid you not!)

I’m talking about those people that just don’t think about what their doing.
Sure, everyone knows you’re about to change lanes or turn left;
these indicator thingies are for decorative purposes only.
And lets slow traffic down to 40 k’s an hour just so I can look at the accident
at the side of the road.

3) People that complain about Stupid things
And I include myself here – what does help to complain about it, or complaining about anything actually. You don’t achieve much…

Actually, as I near the end of this ranting post… I feel a lot better. Like a metaphorical weight has been lifted of my metaphorical shoulders, metaphorically speaking off course. Sometimes it’s good to vent.


Monday, July 03, 2006

The Return...

Hi y’all! (silence)
I’m back! (some more silence)
Did ya miss me? (deafening silence)

Anyway, I took a week’s leave.
Didn’t go anywhere special – I just took a few days break from work and stayed at home, and made myself feel young again. (Sleep late, Lots of movies, Games…)

But now it’s back to the real world again….

On Friday, I went to see Mama Mia in the Artscape (That’s the old Nico Malan Theatre in Cape Town for those of you who are Cape-Townian-Cultural disinclined).
The reason being – It’s my birthday gift too my mom, who is a HUGE and very big ABBA fan.

Now, If anyone out there is a ABBA fan – You absolutely must go and watch this.
I am not a ABBA fan. I don’t have a problem with (most of) their music – but I’d rather listen to something else. And I really enjoyed it.

The story is fun (and funny) and the cast is quite spectacular. The story was entertaining – and if I didn’t know for a fact that the story was written around the songs, and not that the songs were written for the story – I wouldn’t have believed you.

Ok, It’s not Phantom of the Opera, but you really can’t compare them.
That would be like comparing “Pirates of the Caribbean” with “The Shawshank redemption”.

So even if you’re not an ABBA fan – go and watch this if you want to see a very entertaining show – performed by some of the best English/Irish stage actors around.

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