Friday, June 09, 2006

Yeah! Yeah! It's Friday!

And what a busy week it was.... but I'm not gonna talk about work.

Last weekend, I went to a farewell party of a very good friend of mine that I went to school with. She and her boyfriend are going to England for 2 years. So it was sad to see them go...
And I realised... If I like count the number of really good friends I have, almost half of them are in the UK!
This is concerning on the one hand - Do I have the kind of personality that forces all that are close and dear to me to flee the country and find refuge in old, cold, smoggy England?

(Chrisna doesn't count - she can't escape me - even if she wanted too ;) )

On the other hand Darren, If I go to England any time soon in the next year or two- I'll have lots of people to freeload off!

Monday: Went to the Independant Armchair in Observatory.
(Monday nights, R30 for pizza and a old movie - Sweet!)
Don't quite know what I expected, but I was a bit disappointed.

The movie was Groundhogday - Bill Murray, Andie McDowall - a movie we both REALLY like a lot, and haven't seen in a while. But the venue was... strange.
Taking into account that it's usually a club during every other day of the week - I guess I shouldn't have expected a lot of comfy chairs and clean restrooms....
It was kinda like the bad parts of Bohemia and De lapa combined....
(At least the movie and pizza were good - and the bar cheap!)

If anyone hasn't seen groundhogday... find it and watch it.
If you have... find it and watch it again.
(That will be your homework assignment for next week class)

I wish I could take a Film Study class - but only I decide what Films to study........

Groundhog day! Yeah! Great movie, but I don't think a film crit about it will be much more than... I liked the part where... x10. :-)
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