Tuesday, May 30, 2006


I was looking for a way to introduce myself, so I stole this from j's blog.
(Hey, I can't start a blog and be original in the same week you know - Balance...)

What is your Full name:
Tiaan George Towsen

What are you most afraid of?
Anyone trying to insert a sharp pointy thing into me. This includes Needles, Syringes, IV drips... Seriusly, rather give it to me, I’ll do it myself! Or knock me unconscious!

Favorite New food?
Roast Beef and Cheese Submarine Sandwiches!

Ever been to Alaska:
Not to my knowledge.

Ever been rolling:
Down a grassy hill, yes!

Loved someone so much it made you cry?
Yes. Still do.

Been in a car accident:
I was like 2 years old, my foot slipped, and I freed the handbrake. The car moved like 5 metres… into a low wall. Does that count?

Favorite day of the week:
Friday. Except when Friday is a holiday, then Thursday.

Favorite Restaurant :
The Chinese place in Tygervalley – their set-lunches are fantastic!

Favorite sport to watch:
Formula 1 Grand Prix racing, Cricket

Favorite Drink:
Brandy and Coke – How very Stellenbosch of me.

How many times you failed your driver's test?
Wrote 4 times, failed twice.

Favorite fast food restaurant:
McDonalds. I just love me them Horse burgers. Seriously – Chicken Nuggets!

Favorite TV - best programme?:
Stargate SG-1 (and Alias)

What are your favorite colours?
Black and blue.

How many pets do you have?
1. His name is Wollie. Neither I, nor he knows exactly what breed he is.

Which came first the chicken or the egg?
The dinosaur egg!

What would you like to accomplish before you die?
Write a best-selling novel leading to blockbuster movie starring Natalie Portman and Kevin Spacy; then refuse to write a sequel!

I'll leave you with something to think about until next time....
If you could live forever, would you and why?

Monday, May 29, 2006

I guess I'm blogging....

I have finally submitted. I have a blog.
I am so weak.

I guess I just started one, because I'm never gonna get paid to write anything...
So I might as well just write.

Why not keep a diary?
I'm saving ink and Amazonian rainforests - thus making sure you breath easier.
(See, you should be thanking me)

Why a blog?
Why not?

Do I care that people are reading my innermost thoughts,
that I choose to put on paper... eh, screen?
Probably, but if nobody reads it - at least it's there!

I promise to start writing substance soon..
First I got to check out what features there are on this here blogsite...

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